How we help you

Save time | Reduce errors | Improve output | Support conclusions | Gain access to insights

A research team for your Consulting firm

Global Market Intelligence that delivers unparalleled research insights, leading data and information offerings


Save your desktop research time. This is time that would otherwise be taken away from client acquisition and problem solving. You can focus on where you can add value by letting us adding value where we can.

Uncover expert insights on the sectors and industries that matter most to you with our Expand market intelligence offerings.


Reduce your reliance on Google searches for insights by using validated, high-quality, and dependable data sourced from multiple paid and open source databases. The resultant analyses and conclusions offer better quality and reliability.


Improve your consistency, quality, and continuity by substituting part-time researchers and interns with professional researchers. Our team members are highly qualified and experienced in the use of the tools they utilise for research and analysis.


Support your conclusions and recommendations by optimising the balance between data and insights, specifically avoiding data overload and overthink. We recognise that nearly limitless data and a plethora of analytic tools can improve conclusions by a couple of percentage points while adding significantly to your cost.


Gain affordable access to insights from high-quality resources, reports, and databases. Working with us, you gain access to leading and premium global databases that include D&B Avention, Statista, Crunchbase, and several others.

Clients & Testimonials

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium

Work smarter. Not harder.

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Seek & Triumph - A world of possibility awaits.

Start every consulting project/ assignment with our research and analysis of the most pressing developments affecting industries, segments and markets today.

IBC helps you push past the expected, and renders the status quo obsolete. Because a better, more prosperous future is yours for the seeking.